Who are we?

November 2020

SAMSON Academy moves into Lynderupgaard Estate


It is in particularly attractive surroundings that SAMSON Academy can now hold its user courses and technical courses.

- Up until now, we have held the courses at the SAMSON factory in Viborg, but now that we will gradually have between 500 and 600 course participants per year, we were looking for a better solution. We have that now. 

Here at Lynderupgaard Gods, there is both a large and heated workshop, fine outdoor areas with space to set out even the widest SAMSON hose boom, as well as fine facilities for the more theoretical teaching, explains Kim Bennike, who is responsible for the technical training at SAMSON AGRO.

- Lynderupgaard Gods will now be our permanent place of education. Meals and overnight stays, when it comes to courses lasting several days, we handle through an agreement with Hjarbæk Fjord Golfcenter, which is right next door. They are typically less busy during the months when we hold our courses, so it is absolutely ideal.

Ideal setting for the SAMSON Academy

SAMSON Academy har nu fået faste rammer på Lynderupgaard Gods ved Hjarbæk Fjord, kun 20 km fra SAMSON AGRO fabrikken i Viborg. Her er der Ideele faciliteter både indendørs og udendørs.

Hjarbæk Fjord Golfcenter – overnatningsmuligheder.


Første kursus i den nye faciliteter er et intensivt to-dages teknisk kursus for fem montører fra Samson Agrolize servicepartner A.P. Jørgensen i Ribe.

– De montører, der skal servicere gyllevogne rundt omkring i landet, kommer først gennem et “Stage I” tre-dages kursus. Dette kursus efterfølges af et to-dages “Stage II” kursus for erfarne servicefolk, og det er et sådant opfølgningskursus, folkene fra A.P. Jørgensen i dag deltager i, fortæller Kim Bennike.

Undervisningen forestås af Niels Peter Christensen og Jan Worup, begge serviceteknikere med tæt relation til udviklingsafdelingen hos SAMSON AGRO.

– På den måde er der kort vej for ethvert praktisk problem ude fra marken og ind til SAMSON fabrikken. Det betyder, vi får særdeles kvalificeret feedback på tekniske detaljer i brugen af maskinerne, ligesom montørerne udveksler detaljer og fiduser med hinanden, fortæller Niels Peter Christensen, der i sin hverdag også fungerer som telefon hot-line for montørerne.

Niels Peter Christensen
Service fitter and trainer from SAMSON AGRO

Niels Peter Christensen is a service technician at SAMSON AGRO and knows everything there is to know about, among other things, the new SAMSON SHB4 booms. With him on the phone, the path from practical experience in the field to SAMSON AGRO's development department is very short.

As everyone knows, you cannot predict every technical problem into the future in a service manual, as these are advanced machines with electronic equipment that must work with, for example, the GPS of the tractors, the management programs of the farms and the machine stations, when the manure application must take place with precision - in during the high season, often 24 hours a day.

Cabin crowd

Cabin crowd

Samspillet mellem John Deere traktorens avancerede skærme og maskinen er helt afgørende. Disse altafgørende funktioner trænes naturligvis intensivt for både nye brugere af SAMSON maskiner og for de teknikere, der skal fejlfinde og finde, hvis der opstår en løs forbindelse.


Inde i kursuslokalet gennemgås såvel nye og ældre versioner af styringssystemer som for eksempel SlurryMaster og andet udstyr for montørerne. For eksempel gennemgås de seneste opdateringer i menustruktur, ligesom der trænes i fejlfinding ved hjælp af den diagnosticeringscomputer, en SAMSON-montør altid har ved hånden.

– For eksempel kan vi simulere fejl for at træne hurtigere diagnosticering, lyder det fra Kim Bennike.

Kim Bennike with special tools

Kim Bennike is responsible for both user courses and technician courses for Samson Agrolize service fitters. Here he shows a special tool that is used when changing bearings on pumps. - Here in the large heated workshop, we can have the large SAMSON wagons inside when we offer the user courses that come with every new SAMSON slurry wagon.

- For the equally important, with slightly rougher exercises, the course participants must take a trip to the workshop. For example, here we can train a smarter and faster way to sharpen bearings or impellers using a special tool. We can do that here in the heated machine hall, where we introduce the use of a special tool for the service fitters.

Lynderupgaard Estate - course facilities

A collaboration with Hjarbæk Fjord Golf Center right next to Lynderupgaard Estate ensures both accommodation facilities and catering for SAMSON Academy's course participants. Hanne Glerup is responsible for everything practical, in addition to teaching, for course participants and teachers and is ready to move in with lunch at the course room.
